You made it! Congrats on getting all the way through our guide on Common Website Structures for Nonprofits. Hopefully you found a structure (or pieces of multiple structures) that seem like a fit for the work you’re doing as an organization.

As we said from the outset, remember to do the following when customizing these structures to work for you:

  • Adjust the page names to make sense for your visitors
  • Read through all of the sitemaps before picking one
  • Mix and match pieces of each structure that work well for your visitors and their goals
  • Start with essential pages and add more as necessary over time

Free Sitemap Planning Spreadsheet

Now that you’re ready to get started actually creating your nonprofit’s website structure, be sure to check out our free planning spreadsheet to keep you organized.

More on Structure and Content

Can’t get enough when it comes to website structure? If you’re looking for additional reading, we’ve got you covered. And if you want to keep in touch, please sign up for our weekly emails.

Woman looking at her nonprofit website on the computer

Try Your New Website Structure for Free

Want to experience what our websites have to offer? Get started with a free trial that gives you access to a branded site with the theme of your choice. No credit card required.