It’s OK to say it out loud.
You hate your nonprofit’s website.
Or maybe it’s just a strong dislike. Or the nagging feeling that it could be doing more to support your mission. Did you inherit it from a staff person who’s no longer there? Whatever the reason, if you’re looking for a do-over, there’s never a better time to ask than right now. Building a new website can take months once you factor in design, updating content, internal review and all the technical details.
Of course, it’s not easy to ask for an investment in marketing at most nonprofits. There’s a lot of competition for donor dollars with the expectation that they are spent wisely. Why would you put money into a website?
We’re a little biased, but the easy answer is that your website is the foundation of almost everything you do to get your name out there and build credibility. It’s the front door to your organization that you want supporters to open again and again.
So how do you get your decision-makers on board? In talking with nonprofits every week who struggle with this problem, and even being in this position ourselves over the years, we’ve consolidated our best advice into this guide. The following chapters walk you through the process of making your case for a new website, from gathering evidence and preparing for FAQs to giving a pitch to your nonprofit’s decision makers.
How to Skillfully Communicate Why You Need a New Website
Explaining why you need a new website means translating techy terms and gathering evidence. Get nonprofit website stats to support your case, including our free cheat sheet of compelling facts.
8 Nonprofit Website Myths for Your Boss and Board to Overcome
Asking your boss for a new nonprofit website? Don’t let persistent website myths derail the pitch. Prepare for common website misconceptions in addition to the data you’ve already collected.
How to Give a Successful Website Pitch at Your Nonprofit [SLIDES]
Make a winning website pitch to the decision-makers at your nonprofit with our tips and sample presentation slides. Get a copy of our pitch deck to customize for your nonprofit or to use as inspiration.
It’s not just a marketing problem.
While nonprofit marketers and communications staff might be the first to notice that there’s a problem, living with an ineffective or outdated website affects most areas of your nonprofit’s work.
The organization could be missing out on opportunities to raise more money, simplify administrative tasks, attract volunteers or get more people to advocate for your cause.
But, of course, you know that already. You also know the quirks and temporary fixes that are in place just to keep your website up and running, which can add a heap of unnecessary worries to your days.
In writing this guide, we wanted to help people who feel stuck with their nonprofit website to feel confident about making the case—even when it means going to your boss.
If there’s only one thing you remember, it should be this: Make it relevant.
Take the time to gather information that supports your case for a new website, but don’t forget to address the concerns and priorities of your organization as a whole. Then take it one step further and include the needs of your target audience, too.
The more that you position a new website as a tool that supports big picture goals and your community, the more likely it is that you’ll get buy-in from the powers that be.

Get More Facts to Make Your Case
Want more industry-wide info to use in your pitch? Get our full list of 25+ compelling facts and statistics from trustworthy sources about the power of effective nonprofit websites.
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Additional Advice From Our Team
How to Lengthen a Website Lifespan Before You Build
Download the Nonprofit Website Matchmaker
When you’re ready to build a website, where do you turn for help? Use our ranking tool to evaluate and rank your options based on a range of criteria.