When it comes to campaign promotion for nonprofits, your website is the ultimate tool. By making the most of your nonprofit website during the campaign, you can simultaneously increase your website traffic and keep supporters coming back again and again.

Because of its temporary nature, a campaign is a great way to get supporters pumped up and motivated toward achieving a clear and set goal. We outlined the ways to prepare your website for an upcoming campaign and then how to drive traffic to those sections of your website.

Get Your Website Ready for Campaign Promotion

Before you’re ready to drive campaign traffic, you’ll need to make a few campaign-specific updates to your website. A landing page, blog post and homepage update are awesome places to start.

Landing page

Rather than adjusting your donate page, you can create a simple landing page that includes information about the specific campaign as well as a donate form. For larger campaigns, a landing page keeps all the necessary information in one easy-to-access place and allows you to promote that specific campaign in large-scale marketing efforts rather than send supporters to a generic donation page. Place it within your Get Involved section to make it easy to find.

Blog Posts

Your blog is a great place to promote your nonprofit’s campaign. You can write a post announcing the campaign and what you’re hoping to achieve through it. After it’s completed, you can announce the results on your blog to bring things full circle and acknowledge your donors. Be sure to link to your landing page within the posts!

Homepage Update

To help drive traffic from your homepage to the campaign, you can temporarily update an area of your homepage to focus on the campaign and link to the landing page. You could even update the hero (or primary) image to promote your campaign! Promoting your campaign on your homepage allows you to use the traffic already coming to your site to help out your campaign.

Start Driving Traffic

Once your website is ready for campaign promotion, it’s time to start pushing supporters to those sections of your website. To gain as much success as possible from your campaign, that means using all of the marketing channels in your nonprofit’s toolbox to let people know what’s going on and how they can participate. Promote your campaign any and every way you can by driving people to your campaign landing page and blog posts.

Looking for more ways to increase traffic? Check out the guide. >

So long as you have something valuable to say, don’t be afraid to reach out. In fact, you should aim to send out multiple appeals, especially on those channels that lend well to it, such as email and social media.

The following messages are all great ways to keep in touch throughout the campaign:

  • Announce the campaign to your followers
  • Tell them an inspirational story
  • Let them know how much time they have left before it ends
  • Summarize your blog post
  • Fill them in on the results

Remember, the more people you reach, the more traffic you’ll get, and the more successful your campaign will be. Happy campaigning!

Is your nonprofit using its website for campaign promotion? How do you get ready to market your campaigns? Let’s chat in the comments!


  1. I found your article to be very informative and useful. I recently opened a non-profit organization that empowers disadvantaged women and your article has highlighted a few tips for The Mandela Day Campaign #ActionAgainstPoverty! that I am working on. Would appreciate more tips. Thank you.

    • Hi, Juliet. I’m glad you found the post helpful! It sounds like you’re doing some incredibly important work. Do you have any specific questions about promoting your campaign on your nonprofit website? I’m happy to give them a shot!