Illustration of a Mission and Vision page

Well-crafted mission and vision statements can inspire people to engage with your organization and deserve a well thought-out place on your website. While the mission and/or vision statement may show up in other places on the site, it’s a good idea to give the two a home of their own where visitors can learn more in depth about what the current and future goals are for your nonprofit. You can easily link to this page wherever it up comes up contextually.

Be straightforward.

Unlike pages that have more of a narrative, your Mission and Vision page should make it easy for someone to accurately quote your statements. Don’t be afraid to use bold headers.

Draw visitors in with visuals.

In addition to the text of your mission and vision statements, include visuals that offer mental shortcuts. If there’s a process or clear path to your goals, how could you show the steps rather than just describe them? Do you use a unique approach or model that is explained best in a graphic?

People that are new to your cause are common visitors to this page. You might also find that page is commonly linked to when people describe your nonprofit in the news or on social media. Make sure it’s up to date and does your nonprofit justice with at least one compelling image that tells a story.

Add supporting information.

It doesn’t help your visitors to land on a page with two sentences and nothing else. Do you have organizational values to share? Where else on your site do you show your mission in action that you can link to? Keep the momentum going.

Get more content ideas with our examples of effective mission and vision pages.

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