At Wired Impact, we know that great content translates into results, whether your goals are to boost donations, build awareness for your programs or recruit volunteers. Website content is the foundation of marketing in this modern age — a time when people have incredible appetites for learning but won’t wade through walls of text.
No matter how many staff you have or your budget, there are easy, actionable ways to make your site stand out from the rest. This guide contains some of our best website content tips for beginners, crafted from years of working with clients across the sector. Regardless of whether you’re building on our platform or somewhere else, we hope it makes a difference for your nonprofit as you create a new website.
Table of Contents
Nowadays, most nonprofits and NGOs around the world have websites. What are you doing to stand out? Invest your time in creating fresh and compelling content to attract supporters. Go to Chapter 1.
Quickly preparing your website content keeps you on track for a timely launch. Stay focused on the goals and set a reasonable timeline for content completion. Go to Chapter 2.
Website content is more than text on a page. Start collecting other types of content that you can re-purpose to make your site more robust, such as photos, newsletter stories and testimonials. Go to Chapter 3.
It can be tempting to take shortcuts, like fixing outdated information after launch. Now is the time to take your nonprofit website to the next level by making a plan for great content. Go to Chapter 4.
Forget that you even know how to copy and paste! Writing for the web just got easier with these 11 tips that will help you stick to best practices. Go to Chapter 5.
Wishing your web pages looked more professional? The secret to great content entry is staying consistent across your site. Keep track of your formatting with a simple website style guide. Go to Chapter 6.
Just because it looked great in a brochure doesn’t mean your text is website-ready. Writing scannable content that engages your supporters boils down to these 8 simple rules. Go to Chapter 7.
Now that you have a handle on the basics, take your nonprofit to the next level with website content that goes above and beyond. Get inspired by examples from real nonprofits! Go to Chapter 8.
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