It’s no surprise that web page content can hold up the website design process in a big way. It’s the leading cause of delays for website projects as people either scramble for content or scratch their heads wondering how to even begin the process of writing compelling copy.
We know it’s a big undertaking and completely overwhelming. We talk a lot about how to write great content, but that’s a different beast. Let’s take a step back and see how to get the process started right off the bat. Whether you call it a piecemeal approach or having tunnel vision for a good cause, take it one page at a time. We put together a quick list that really only requires jotting down some notes before getting into the bigger task of tackling the full scope of web page content.
What are the goals for the page?
Think big picture for this. And fear not, because there’s not a lot of writing involved when it comes to envisioning what you want for each page. Starting with an outline can put you in the right frame of mind for content writing. So dive in by considering the basic framework of what you want a page to convey, what actions you want visitors to take and the messaging that needs to be clearly communicated.
What links would make sense here?
Links can make a website go ‘round. Take stock of how to connect related pages through links. Not convinced of the benefits? Links can offer your visitors more relevant information, keep people on your site longer, and generally create connections that make your site more cohesive. You should also start making a list of external links (partners, earned media placements, related studies) that can lend credibility and benefit you from an SEO standpoint, too.
What visual components can I include in Web Page Content?
Writing content doesn’t have to be a linear process. Who says you have to write first and then add the visuals later? Think about how visuals (photos, infographics, videos) will augment the content you’ll eventually write. Getting your hands on a powerful image or video can be just the inspiration you need to get writing.
It could also be helpful to think generally about other ways to punch up the page. Do you have white papers, reports or guides that could be incorporated into the content? Writing web page content doesn’t have to be about reinventing the wheel. Assess and leverage any opportunities to integrate the great stuff you already have into the content for each page. Be sure to get started early with this hunting and gathering process of finding the right supporting material to get you on your way to writing.
Think of this as a taking an inventory of the essential things you need and building the scaffolding to make each page great from the ground up. You can use this as a template for each page of your site and get closer to tackling the entire beast.
Do you take a page by page approach to content writing? Have any other tips on taking on web page content to avoid delays? Let us know in the comments below.