508 results for "blog"

3 Ways to Connect Your Fundraising and Marketing Efforts

Fundraising and marketing are both essential for nonprofit organizations to function effectively and generate support. When these two activities are approached separately, there are plenty of opportunities for nonprofits to raise a lot of money and connect with their supporters. However, there are even more opportunities to do so when these essential functions are connected.

How Can Nonprofits Use Data to Show Impact? 8 Website Ideas & Examples

Sharing a great story is one way to demonstrate the difference that a nonprofit can make in the community. But it’s not the only type of information that can inspire people to support your mission, reach out for help or champion your cause. How can nonprofits use data to show their impact?

5 Great Nonprofit About Us Pages [Tips & Examples]

Who is this group? Can I trust them? Will I regret giving them my support? Great nonprofit “About Us” pages are able to squash any misgivings with a simple, yet complete overview of who you are with links to various pages around your site for folks to learn more about you.

The Hidden Risks of Pro Bono Web Design for Nonprofits

Sniffing out low-cost and free services is a savvy skill, especially for organizations considering a tool that it’s not fully committed to or when a decision-maker is unsure about the potential return on investment. Pro bono web design for nonprofits often falls in this category—despite the fact that websites are a must-have piece of your…

A Better Nonprofit Value Proposition Means Better Results

Are you seeing website traffic but not a ton of meaningful activity? Making a strong case for people to get involved is more than just offering a donate button. Your nonprofit value proposition helps define why it’s worthwhile to support your mission. Without a good value proposition, visitors to your website will leave without taking…

How to Find Donors Online with Search Engine Optimization

Optimizing your website for search engines is a proven way of increasing traffic, putting your nonprofit on the radar by showing up in relevant search results. But can working on your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) help raise more money? If you’re wondering how to find donors online—and how donors will find you—SEO is a…

How to Celebrate Volunteer Month at Your Nonprofit [Template]

Is your organization eyeing Volunteer Month in April as an opportunity to celebrate and recruit volunteers? Putting together a month-long campaign can feel daunting, but it provides a chance to give these dedicated supporters the attention they deserve.

The Impact of Knowing Your Website Audience

The start of a new website project can be messy, confusing and stressful. But there’s one thing that I’ve found helpful in answering every single question that comes up through the website project — knowing who your website audience is.

Do You Need a Fully Custom Nonprofit Website?

So you need a new website. Whether you’re building your organization’s first website or replacing an outdated design, there’s a ton to consider. What will it look like? How will it work? What will the experience be like for visitors? Who will help us build it?