508 results for "blog"

Why You Need to Cut Your “Click Here” Links

If you’ve ever browsed the web, you’ve seen them.  If you’ve ever written any web content, you’ve almost definitely used them (at some point, even if you’re not ready to admit it). Those two words, forever linked together, set apart by an underline and a contrasting color: Click here How can these two harmless words…

Designing Your Nonprofit’s Website Header

Your nonprofit’s website header will be seen on every page. It contains your site’s most important information, brands your organization and shows your user where to go and how to get there. With all these moving parts, it’s hard to know where to put what. But have no fear.  We’re here to discuss how to…

Nonprofit Website Analytics: Measuring What Matters

Data is everywhere these days.  It’s common (depending on your social circles I suppose) to hear folks debating the proper use of data or hammering home the importance of website analytics. This surge in popularity is well deserved.  Data is a crucial component of measuring website success. But with the growth in accessibility to data…

How to Avoid Plagiarism when Writing for the Web

Building on the work of others is good.  Stealing from them is not. Maybe you’re writing a blog post on how volunteers can organize their own food drive.  To compose a quality post, you need to know about any regulations that apply to food collection, steps to a successful campaign, and common problems that might…

6 Reasons Not to Send Email Newsletters from Your Personal Account

It might seem like an easier way to communicate with the people involved and interested in your nonprofit.  It might seem like a personal touch.  However, you should never send your nonprofit’s email newsletters from your personal email account.  And here are six very important reasons why not.

Segmenting Lists for Your Email Newsletter: Why and How

Your email subscribers can be a tough bunch to please.  Some want to hear about volunteer opportunities.  Others want to know where their donation dollars have been going.  And some just want news that’s relevant to your cause.  Luckily there’s this thing called “segmenting” that can help you manage all these different groups. Segmenting your…

Using the Landing Pages Report in Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a beast of a tool.  It’s so robust it can be tough to get a grasp of, especially if you don’t spend a lot of your day geeking out over website data.  As opening Google Analytics quickly reveals, there are a wide variety of reports available with the simple click of your…

4 Pages Your Nonprofit Website Should Include

Yes, your nonprofit needs a Home page, an About Us page and a Contact page.  Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about a few other specific pages that may be a bit less obvious but can hugely benefit a nonprofit organization.

7 Common Barriers to Online Giving

Online fundraising is tough and rife with challenges all along the way.  It’s not easy to get people to pay attention to you instead of the huge volume of other causes (and videos and games and news stories and pictures and messages) battling for their attention.  And even if you do grab their attention, it’s…

Email Newsletter Subjects Aren’t for Selling

If you’re reading this post, there’s a good chance your organization has set up an email newsletter.  And that’s great.  There are many benefits of sending email newsletters. But simply sending an email doesn’t really matter.  Your newsletter does no good sitting unopened in the inboxes of the world, as newsletters often do.  There are…